For the Record 05/13


The Democrats in Washington and their media buddies currently are experiencing mixed feelings.

They are scared to death that Trump will be reelected because Joe Biden is so obviously senile. On the other hand, they are somewhat upbeat because they feel they can take down Trump on the issues of Covid-19 and the economy.

They may be right. They may wipe the floor with Trump. But I want to throw a little moisture on their planned victory parade.

What the Democrats and media do not understand is morality. They do not understand that Trump is going to receive a lot of votes on moral issues. Take abortion, for example. Roughly 25 percent of the voters support abortion without limitation; another 25% want to do away with abortion altogether; another 25% support abortion, but with relatively minor limitations; and the final 25% want significant limitations.

Democrats are in opposition to 75% of the American people on this issue. They simply do not understand that people can take a moral position. They do not see the world through a moral lens. They want abortion and that’s it. And while some may go along with abortion, very few can agree with killing those babies that accidently survive the abortion process. Most people see this as murder, nothing less. But Obama and the governor of Virginia are OK with it.

I’m 78. Life has been wonderful. I could never ask for more. If I came down this week with Covid-19 and eventually died from the illness because Donald Trump in some way mishandled our response, I forgive him.

I forgive him because he didn’t set out to kill any of the Covid victims. He’s been a good president, especially in light of the way he has been treated by the media and the Democrats.

What I cannot forgive is the role of the Democrats and media in conspiring to take the lives of 61,000,000 innocent babies since 1973.

The unintentional deaths of 80,000 Americans – primarily old geezers like me – is absolutely insignificant in comparison to the intentional deaths of all those babies.

As I was wrapping up this column Tuesday morning, Dr. Fauci gave his testimony before the Senate. If Fauci, the Democrats and the media prevail on this issue, they will be as responsible for the economic death of this country as they are the for death of the 61,000,000 babies.