Response to Frank J. Thomeczek


To the Editor:

Addressing Thomeczek’s  4/22/2020 article. First, he touts The NY Times, which is perhaps the most discredited publication in America and has taken millions of dollars for decades to publish Chinese Communist propaganda. The paper violates the Foreign Agent Registration Act but trades credibility for revenue. The Chinese government the Times promotes kept the November virus secret while hoarding medical equipment/meds and ignored reporting to the World Health Organization until Dec. 31st, which increased virus cases by 95%!!  If you want the day to day “facts” and the White House’s early response go to: Timeline: The Trump’s Administration’s Decisive Action to combat the coronavirus. This dispels all lies/fake news put out by the mainstream media, of which only 14% of Americans have confidence in as reported by Gallop.

A president is “not required” by law to release his tax returns, as it contains private information, protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. USA Today states: as president---Trump is required to be audited, but that does not mean the public will see it. Had Robert Mueller found that Trump committed a criminal act and his tax returns were relevant to the investigation of Russia’s interference in the election, he could have requested them.

Ten months after Trump’s inauguration, he appointed one person out of 20 commissioners & 100,000 employees and that was Charles P. Rettig to the IRS; which the Senate confirmed on a bipartisan basis. Rettig has to restore the trust in the organization, lost when Obama’s IRS director, Lois Lerner denied conservative groups 501C status based on political affiliation.  I could find no IRS commissioner that had financial dealings with Trump. The SCOTUS in dealing with separation of powers and federalism should protect the presidency and the courts from politicized Democratic investigations.

Thomeczek’s bias states the Trump appointees to the Supreme Court should recuse themselves if any issue involving Trump appears before the court, which is only done if they were directly involved in the case. The Justices’ responsibility is to interpret Constitutional law!

Amanda Miller and Karen Zabarsky of the Trump and Kushner organizations told the discredited NY Times any allegation which involved money laundering is totally false and they were unaware of any flagged transactions with Deutsche’s Bank.

Trump being a business man realized as Reagan did, that tax cuts and low regulations generate business and profits trickle down to workers. Over a thousand organizations increased wages, gave bonuses, helped retirement accounts for workers. Trump brought businesses back to America as he is trying to do with pharmaceuticals. Trump’s best economy ever may pull America through this pandemic, if Democrats stop loading stimulus bills with “pork”, delaying funds and opening up businesses. More on Democratic proposals later!


Charlotte Jacquin Schnieders