I was surprised to read your July 17th editorial in the Republican for several reasons.
First, because you wrote about The China Mirage by James Bradley. I have an autographed copy of his book, as well as the book on CD, and have listened to it several times as well as using the book for reference.
I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Bradley on two occasions during reviews of both The China Mirage and The Imperial Cruise, which he wrote in 2009.
Secondly, I was disappointed that you didn’t emphasize the crimes of Chiang Kai-shek and his ilk and how they so effectively duped FDR that cost the government (taxpayers) millions of dollars.
Mr. Bradley sheds a different light on Mao Zedong that our government refuses to acknowledge, which eventually lead to both the Korean War and the Vietnam War, costing over 100,000 American lives and millions of Korean and Vietnamese lives.
You also failed to recognize Chinese Exclusion Act passed by congress is 1883. These are significant events detailed in his book but totally ignored by your editorial.
Thirdly, I was surprised that you stated that your favorite subject is history and yet I seldom read any of your editorials talking about history. Perhaps you should consider reading New Deal or Raw Deal by Burton Folsom, Jr., describing how FDR’s economic legacy has damaged America, or even more to the point read Paul Craig Roberts How American Was Lost.
Mr. Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan and was awarded the U.S. Treasury’s Meritorious Service Award for “outstanding contributions to the formulation of US economic policy.”
He has also held academic appointments at six universities.
Another book that should not be ignored by any history buff is M.S. King’s The Real Roosevelts or his The Bad War, the truth about WWII and FDR’s support of the USSR and his infatuation of “Uncle Joe” Stalin.
I dare say, if you haven’t read at least one or two of these books, in addition to The China Mirage, what books have you read regarding history?
My library consists of over 700 books, a good portion relating to history, and just today ordered three more regarding WWII. History is my favorite subject and is one that must be looked at from many different angles.
Richard Browning
Pacific, Mo.