A New Adventure
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I n 1962, when he was 51, Ronald Reagan announced that he was no longer voting Democrat but would now be a Republican. He frequently said that he didn’t leave the Democratic party; it left him. … more
L abor Day became an official holiday in the United States in 1884. It honors the American labor movement, which built this country with blood, sweat, and tears and made America great. With Labor Day … more
T he phrase Trojan Horse comes to us from Greek mythology. The story is mentioned briefly in the Odyssey, an epic poem attributed to Homer from the 8th or 7th century BC. The poem was first published … more
T here is an old proverb, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”  According to Wikipedia, the exact origin of this saying is “unknown, and several variations exist. … more
After the first Presidential Debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Biden told reporters to “focus on the number of lies he told in the debate,” not my debate performance. ... more
T his week, I would like to take up where I left off in my July 17 column when reviewing James Bradley’s book, The China Mirage .  In his book, Bradley trashes Chiang Kai-shek as … more
E ver since I read his first book, “Flags of Our Fathers,” I have been a loyal follower of the author James Bradley. His father, John Bradley, was one of the flag raisers on Iwo Jima. His … more
W ritten by Danish author Hans Christian Anderson and first published in 1837, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”  concerns a ruler who is obsessed with fancy attire. Two con men … more
T he Statue of Liberty, a gift of the people of France to the United States, was first proposed in 1865 by Édouard René de Laboulaye, president of the French Anti-Slavery Society. … more
S ome voters carry the label “single issue voter”  with pride. They base their votes on any candidate according to their stance on a single public policy question while ignoring … more
L et’s be honest: How many of you love to speak with a computer when you call a big corporation? My bet is zero. Gone are the switchboard operators like Lily Tomlin’s character … more
F or two decades Democrats, like Al Gore, have been scaring children and adults alike that global warming — now climate change — is going to destroy the world.  On Jan. 27, … more
M emorial Day signifies many things. First and foremost, it is a day to recognize those in the military who made the ultimate sacrifice to give us the freedoms we all enjoy. Next, Memorial Day … more
D epending on what website you reference, the state of Missouri is ranked fourth or fifth in the nation for the lowest electric rates, averaging around 10.82 cents per kilowatt. Nebraska, the … more
A s Biden’s term as the 46th President of the United States winds down, it has become increasingly evident that his presidency will be defined by war. I’m not just talking about … more
T oday marks the birthday of the 33rd President of the United States, Harry S. Truman. Born May 8, 1884, Truman was the only U.S. President from the Show Me State. He served two terms, from 1945 to … more
A nti-Israel demonstrators on college campuses around the country are utilizing their First Amendment rights to protest Israel’s war against Hamas. The common thread in these organized … more
I t may have been a spring day during my junior year in college, or it could have been late winter. In some ways, I have tried to erase this experience from my memory. Let me slow down a little … more
J ohn Marshal Harlan, the subject of last week’s column, said in his dissenting opinion of Plessy v. Ferguson — “Our Constitution is color blind, and neither knows nor tolerates … more
H ave you ever gone against your college’s opinion and opposed the majority? Maybe you refused to accept a joint of marijuana or decided to wait for marriage before sex. That person is referred … more
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