15 results total, viewing 1 - 15
WESTPHALIA — World War II Army Air veteran Herb Meyer, an assisted-living resident at Stonebridge - Westphalia for the last year, celebrated his 100th birthday on Monday with fellow residents … more
WESTPHALIA — Following a public hearing last week, Westphalia aldermen approved a variance to allow a naturopathic wellness center and retail business by owner and sole clinician Angela … more
WESTPHALIA — Westphalia aldermen discussed the progress being made on the City Hall remodel at their Dec. 17 meeting. “Things are moving along quickly,” said Mayor Tammy … more
WESTPHALIA   — On Sunday, from 1-5 p.m., the Westphalia Historical Society (WHS) will host “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” an exhibit at the WHS Museum. An extensive … more
WESTPHALIA — At their Oct. 29 meeting, Westphalia aldermen voted to move ahead with repairs to City Hall. Mayor Tammy Massman said that because of the building’s age, it was not … more
WESTPHALIA  —  Amy Backes began her teaching career at Chamois R-1, where she taught band for 10 years. She began teaching in 2015-16 at North Elementary ... more
WESTPHALIA — Westphalia alderman Delbert Wieberg reported at the Sept. 24 board meeting that someone had driven ... more
WESTPHALIA — Westphalia aldermen, at their Aug. 27 meeting, approved Christmas on Main to take place on Dec. 1. Several proposed changes to the parade this year include the parade route, which … more
OSAGE COUNTY — The Osage County Board of Equalization (BOE) convened in Osage County Commission Chambers at 9 a.m. Monday, July 15. While the BOE meeting once a year is routine, this event … more
WESTPHALIA — B&H Well Drilling is currently in the process of drilling 45 boreholes, each 400 feet deep and six inches in diameter, as part of Fatima High School’s new ground-source .... more
Relay for Life of Osage/Maries Counties hosted its annual   pork burger dinner fundraiser last Friday at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Westphalia. The evening included a survivor’s walk … more
WESTPHALIA — Osage Ambulance District, Westphalia Fire Department, and the Osage County Sheriff’s Office participated in rescuing a man who sustained a traumatic injury after falling … more
Westphalia aldermen on April 30 approved the April election results where Alderman Stanley Heckman retained his seat and Caitlin Berhorst replaced Alderman Lori Asel. Both Heckman and Berhorst … more
The Westphalia Aldermen on March 26 approved a surplus budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year. Mayor Tammy Massman explained that while the final expenses had all been entered for the budget, there … more
WESTPHALIA — At last Tuesday’s meeting, Osage County Presiding Commissioner Darryl Griffin and Western District Commissioner Larry Kliethermes updated Westphalia aldermen on several … more
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