Aren’t you mad yet?


Dear Editor:

I assure anyone reading this that I don’t like writing it and would prefer to find cheerier things to discuss.  But things going wrong far outweigh things going right.  Our parents’ generation wouldn’t stand for it, but not us; we seem to lack the fortitude.

Just some things in our most recent news cycle: Supposedly, our dollar is about to be replaced as the World’s reserve currency.  Will it be the Chinese yuan or some new digital currency?  Why does this not feel like a banana peel in the middle of the sidewalk just ahead? Our school boards are struggling with gender dysphoric young men wanting to play in women’s sports.  Sad that millions of young women feel endangered by the presence of intact males in their sports venues for the sake of an incredibly small percentage of young men that need psychological help or are simply exploiting the system.  Simultaneously, the debate continues over whether our school systems are an appropriate place for our children’s sexual identities to be addressed and clarified, pitting teachers against parents, where too often the parent is the last to know and at what age should irreversible medical actions be taken.  Meantime, 23 schools in Baltimore alone, don’t have a single student proficient in math; not one.  The people responsible for our nation’s borders encourage illegal migration while insisting our borders are secure. Never mind most of the cost of feeding, housing, educating, and caring for these people is being paid by the American taxpayer.  A 21-year-old Massachusetts Air Guardsman drops highly classified materials on a social media platform like he was discussing Dungeons and Dragons; meanwhile the World debates what’s worse, his treasonous activity or the fact the war in Ukraine is maybe not going as well as the Administration would have us believe?  Is the government lying again? Our schools continue to be shooting galleries and the first response is “the gun” when the only people impacted by more gun laws are people that obey the law; bad guys will keep theirs.  The average Lois Vuitton handbag store has better security than our schools with our precious children.  Gas prices going up again and the Strategic Petroleum Reserves are at their lowest.  You know they are so crazy in Washington they are seriously considering “electric tanks” for our military?  And, it goes on and on.

Forget the reporters that just nod their heads and never challenge any of this craziness; where are we?  What to do? 

Don’t take it anymore.  Participate - read, listen, think, let your elected officials know and hold them accountable.  Vote them out if you have to.  Isn’t it time to fix this madness? 

Dan Schnieders

Jefferson City