Democracy under attack


If November 5, 2024 was your last chance to save your country, your freedoms, would you vote?  Few people know of, or understand the intentions of the Bilderberg Group, that started in 1954. This group of around 150 people, who are political/government leaders, experts in industry, financing, academia and media devised a 500-page plan years ago called Agenda 21 and their goal was authoritarian control over the planet. The “only person” who stood against that plan was Trump and why they are using radical attorneys and judges to destroy him financially and made unconstitutional attempts to remove him from the ballet.

Steven Calabresi, a professor of law at N.W University and Yale, has taught constitutional, corporate, federal, administrative, state law and worked for Attorney General Edwin Meese, as the top legal brain trust of the Federal government. Calabresi stated Att. Gen. Merrick Garland had no authority under the constitution, to take private citizen Jack Smith and appoint him as a Special Counsel. Calabresi has filed an Amicus briefing stating this, which needs to be addressed by Trump’s attorney, John Sauer.

People know Biden is being controlled, probably by Soros and Obama. Biden gave Iran $6.2 billion of your tax dollars for hostages and released sanctions, making them several hundred billion dollars in oil sales. That money empowered Hamas in the heinous killing of over 1332 Israelis and 1275 wounded. Biden also removed the Houthis from the terrorist watch list and they are not sinking cargo ships in the Red Sea. Now, Biden wants to use your tax dollars to build Hamas a pier for delivery of food and supplies! Rashida Tlaib threatened to stop Hamas’ critical votes for Biden, so he caved! Tlaib got $17,156,185 for her community---what power!  Don’t you wish he cared that much for Americans?

He failed in Afghanistan, killing 13 American soldiers and leaving $92 billion in US weaponry behind. Failed in Jordon killing three more soldiers after 170 attacks. Mandated military vaccines, which killed many AF pilots in Alaska, so recruitment is depleted. Biden allowed the Chinese to fly a balloon over our strategic military bases and buy land outside them, plus land in Cuba and Mexico making it easier to fire ballistic missiles into America. Biden failed to negotiate an agreement between Ukraine and Russia and that has killed 31000 Ukrainian soldiers. He opened all US borders to illegals, criminals, rapists and lies about the border bill that will allow him to fast-track citizenship to as many people he desires. Americans should learn not to believe a liar! Just the interest on the debt is more than the military budget. Don’t allow Democrats to subjugate the United States to a totalitarian, destroying ideology.

Charlotte Schnieders       

Jefferson City