The 2022 Midterms. What really counts.


The upcoming midterm election is the most important midterm ever.  This election will go a very long ways towards defining what we really want, democracy or keep tending towards fascism.  

The truth is that President Eisenhower was the last Republican President to balance the budget for even one single year. Republicans are simply not the party of fiscal responsibility.   In a recurring pattern, they only care about deficits when they are not in the White House. 

The Republicans are expressing much concern about the deficits, but the real question is “What are you going to do about it.  Senator Scott of FL and Johnson of WI have already stated that they want to put Social Security on the chopping block.  The Republicans have had their eyes on the $2.0 trillion trust fund for decades.  The on thing that they absolutely will never do is address the real cause of deficits, or Tax the Rich, as Patriotic Millionaires are calling for.  I am tired of feeling sorry for these poor tax-scam billionaires.  

The United States with about 4.5 percent of the world’s population has about 750 billionaires, in excess of 30 percent of all the billionaires in the world.  This is not an accident, but is the result of 40 years of “trickle down” economics, certainly one of the greatest frauds ever perpetuated on the American people. 

Perhaps the greatest issue is democracy.  Having won one rigged election with the assistance of Putin in 2016, Ex-President Trump came very close to repeating such in 2020.  Anybody who questions if Putin helped Trump rig the election should read the Mueller report.  Any truly patriotic American has an obligation to do so. 

When I hear about corruption of the Democratic Party, there were 35 individuals indicted during the Trump administration.  Compare that to zero so far for President’s Obama and Biden.   

Frank Thomeczek
