Total control of government


Dear Editor:

Is it not amazing that our Founding Fathers that wrote our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution of the United States of America, were much smarter, more intelligent, more farsighted than our people in government today. Our forefathers were creating a future Great Free Country for all. A country of laws, a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Our government today want total government control of the country and the people. Five more years of the Obama-Biden Administration we will be controlled by China.

This administration will bankrupt our country, a national debt we can not pay. If China says we must pay our debt to them, they own us!

This administration is taking funds from our schools, Social Security, our veterans to pay to house, school, feed the illegal immigrants. The Obama-Biden administration and their allies in congress are working to destroy our Constitution Republic any way they can.

They know that a nation without borders is no nation at all. The multi-millionares build walls around their homes, but open our borders, and flood our country with illegals, fentanyl and crime.

This year will decide if we have a United States of America, a government  of the people or a police state ruled by the governments, which translates to Dictatorship.

Immigration is only one of our nations problems. Census Bureau has immigration population at 15%, costing taxpayers $163 billion a year.

Climate change-gobal warming is a problem. 67% of climate scientists and meteorologists say the temperature reading by the National Oceanic  Atmospheric Administration are faulty.

Agency estimates daytime temperatures in urban areas 1-7 degrees higher than the outlying areas. Nighttime 2-5 degrees higher. Mr. Watts report shows that 89% of NOAA’s stations located next to exhaust fans of air-conditioning units, asphalt parking lots, roads, hot rooftops, airport runways. 68 stations located at wastewater treatment plants. How many degrees of faulty reading did NOAA’s give to Obama-Biden for climate change-global warming so they could spend trillions of dollars each year on their projects.

We were energy independent under President Trump. President Biden cut off our gas, coal production, went to China for solar, wind, electric batteries. John Kerry budget 2022 $16.5 million. 

Election fraud, Judicial Watch have filed lawsuits against states and districts to clean their voter rolls to improve ballot integrity. They have more lawsuits filed, they have removed four million ineligible voters. Thats four million from voter fraud. Judicial Watch went to court to challenge the Justice Department which ignores its legal duty to enforce the National Voter Registration Act.

Maybe another letter on major problems, like U.S.Membership in the United Nation, news media, big tech, crime.

Charles W. Schroeder
