When America is attacked don’t blame Republicans


Dear Editor,

Military and police families who had loved ones killed or maimed defending the freedoms/laws of America are enraged by how the Democratic Party leaders have destroyed those freedoms. Past generations elected military leaders, who saw the consequences of war, but not this generation, who’ve depended 50 years on an all-voluntary military and police force. Every presidential Democrat candidate in 2020 said they would open the borders and provide free healthcare to illegals. Biden extended that to say he would kill fossil fuels. People that voted for Biden lacked cognitive abilities, foresight and believed the Democratic propaganda machine and still do!

Obama was going to “Fundamentally Transform America” with Soros’ money and ideas. Obama allowed five million illegals into the country, who were given SS#’s to deplete funds for Americans, public housing, food, education---free or in-state tuition, Federal welfare (SNAP, WIC, TANF, CCDF, SSI, ---look up), hospital care, jobs, driver licenses in 18 DEM states, DC and Puerto Rico and “VOTING RIGHTS”, with provisional ballots that are counted! Missouri may be 1000+ miles from DC, but that does not relieve you of checking legitimate sources for your news!  In Virginia we witnessed how illegals avoided paying taxes by demanding cash payments or using the employer’s SS#. The most recent federal cost is $182+ billion or $8,776 annually per illegal. States illegal cost: $115.6 billion w/ Missouri’s illegals cost $462.4 million or $4,446 per illegal and these numbers are growing exponentially as 400,000 entered one crossing last month. This does not account entry on the N. border, ports, vehicle size holes the cartels cut in the border wall, underground tunnels or other crossings!

A Customs and Border Patrol Report showed 100,000 illegals released from “one crossing” came from: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Mauritania, China and (Pakistan---49% Dems support)!  Obama released $400 M to Iran, while Biden released Iranian sanctions increasing their oil production from 400,000 barrels to three million, a $50 billion profit that they use to fund anti-Israel, anti-American attacks. Biden stopped America’s oil production, left $90 billion in weaponry in Afghanistan, gave Ukraine billions and depleted military sources and now transports by plane, illegals from other countries here! When America is attacked, don’t blame Republicans as we visit our loved ones at the cemetery!

Charlotte Schnieders     

Jefferson City,